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After several years of writing image manipulation filters using similar templates, I finally decided to merge them all together in a simple to use and extend library.
Clarity is the result of this, an ever evolving library of image manipulation filters using the new HTML5 canvas format, combining with images, videos, web-cam and WebGL inputs to generate and modify the output.
The library has evolved as I have found different uses for it. Originally created for feature detection in an image, it has moved to generation and manipulation of height-maps, procedural texture generation and now distortion filters for games applications.
Any feature requests or bug reports can be posted on the github page, and any feedback is welcome.
GitHub Repository:
After several years of writing image manipulation filters using similar templates, I finally decided to merge them all together in a simple to use and extend library.
Clarity is the result of this, an ever evolving library of image manipulation filters using the new HTML5 canvas format, combining with images, videos, web-cam and WebGL inputs to generate and modify the output.
The library has evolved as I have found different uses for it. Originally created for feature detection in an image, it has moved to generation and manipulation of height-maps, procedural texture generation and now distortion filters for games applications.
Any feature requests or bug reports can be posted on the github page, and any feedback is welcome.
Clear the Fog
Similar to the window cleaning game that came out on the first eye-toy, I made a similar application where the screen would slowly fog up and can only be cleared by movement in the scene. This program uses a motion detection filter to find what is moving in the scene, and by saving what has moved over several frames subtracts this movement from a fog overlay on the camera.